China supports youth, sport activities in Yemen

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Moamar al-Eriani discussed here on Sunday with vice Chinese ambassador to Sana'a aspects of support provided by Chinese government for the Ministry of Youth and Sport within the frameworkof bilater

Yemen exports 427 tones of national products

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national products including fish, margarine, soap, liquid milk and perfumes via the seaport of Aden to a number of Arab and Foreigncountries.

Yemen- Jordan to set up six projects

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al-Mutawakel disclosed that there six projects ready to be signed during the Yemeni-Jordanian Joint Supreme Committee's 13th Round tobe held in Amman next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Yemeni-Jordanian armies discuss training cooperation

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educational institutions affaires Ali Ubaid discussed on Sunday with delegation of Jordanian Royal Military Academy cooperation betweenthe two countries armies in field of qualification and trainin

Interior ministry fires two police officers

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approved in its meeting on Sunday to fire two police officers who have served in one of the ministry's institutions.The council also approved imprisoning other two officers and a soldier for threem