The Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) was founded in Bangkok on December 22, 1961 at the First General Assembly of Asian news agencies on the initiative of UNESCO. Organization was formed to secure direct and free exchange of news between the news agencies of a region inhabited by more than one half of the world's population.
The Asia-Pacific countries account for 56 percent of world gross product, some 50 percent of its trade turnover, over 60 percent of its maritime and nearly 25 percent of air transport volume. The world's largest financial reserves and science-intensiv e technologies are concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region.
At present OANA brings together 41 news agencies from 33 countries.
OANA members are responsible for two-thirds of information circulated throughout the world.
Previous General Assemblies
1961 The First General Assembly meets in Bangkok, Thailand, to form OANA.
1967 The 2nd GA, Tokyo, Japan
1970 The 3rd GA, Tokyo, Japan
1979 The 4th GA, Jakarta, Indonesia
1981 The 5th GA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1985 The 6th GA, New Delhi, India
1988 The 7th GA, Jakarta, Indonesia
1991 The 8th GA, Tokyo, Japan
1994 The 9th GA, Beijing, China
1997 The 10th GA, Teheran, Iran
2000 The 11th GA, Moscow, Russia
2004 The 12th GA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2007 The 13th GA, Jakarta, Indonesia
2010 The 14th GA, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 The 15th GA, Moscow, Russia
2016 The 16th GA, Baku, Azerbaijan
2019 The 17th GA, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2022 The 18th GA,Tehran, Iran