Japan Warned of Radioactive Leak from U.S. Sub

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Tokyo, Aug. 4 (Jiji Press)--Japan has been warned of a radioactive
leak from a U.S. nuclear submarine that made port calls in Japan, the
Foreign Ministry said Saturday.

Japan's First Mobile Bank Starts Operations

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Tokyo, July 17 (Jiji Press)--Jibun Bank, Japan's first bank
specializing in offering banking services online through mobile phones, started operations on Thursday.

Japan to Regulate Sales of Colored Contact Lenses

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Tokyo, July 11 (Jiji Press)--Japan's health ministry plans toregulate the sales of colored contact lenses in the country by designating them as medical devices, following a series of reports of eye

Japan's Mikuriya Elected Chief of World Customs Body

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Geneva, June 30 (Jiji Press)--The World Customs Organization at a general meeting in Geneva Saturday elected Kunio Mikuriya, a former Japanese Finance Ministry official, as its next secretary-gener