weather forecast

Submitted by YONHAP on

Tuesday's weather forecast
SEOUL, Oct. 7 (Yonhap) -- The following is the weather
forecast for South Korea's 12 major cities at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday.


Submitted by YONHAP on

KOSDAQ 397.01 DN 9.38 points (open)


Submitted by YONHAP on

KOSPI 1,340.92 DN 17.83 points (open)


Submitted by YONHAP on

Dollar opens at 1,330.1 won UP from 1,269.0 won

(EDITORIAL from the Korea Times on Oct. 7)

Submitted by YONHAP on

Checks and Balances
Assembly Inspection Should Not Turn Into Blame Games

The National Assembly kicked off its annual inspection of government agencies Monday for a 20-day run.