Saada damages assessment committee discusses second phase task
SA'ADA, Aug 8 (Saba) - The field committee for damages assessment
and rebuilding Saada emanated from Supreme Ministerial Committee to
SA'ADA, Aug 8 (Saba) - The field committee for damages assessment
and rebuilding Saada emanated from Supreme Ministerial Committee to
SANA'A, Aug 8 (Saba)- Minister of Foreign Affairs Abu Bakr
al-Qirbi confirmed Yemen's interest to activate permanent
consultations mechanisms among Arab countries and common
SANA'A, Aug 07 (Saba) - United Arab Emirates has
nominated Abdullah Matar al-Mazruei as a new ambassador to Yemen succeeding to the
ambassador Saif Sultan al-Awani.
SANA'A, Aug. 07 (Saba) - The first meeting of the Yemeni-Kuwaiti =
ministerial committee is to be convened
in Aden next October.
SANA'A, Aug. 07 (Saba)- Administration
of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) chose Yemen,
represented by
SHABWA, Aug. 07 (Saba)-
Director of Public Authority for Antiquities and Museums Khairan al-Zabeidi said
that the
(Saba)- Office of Fisheries Wealth increased on Thursday its revenues during the
first half of
SA'ADA, Aug. 07
(Saba)- The field committee for damages assessment and rebuilding Saada emanated
from Supreme
SANA'A, Aug. 07 (Saba)- Yemen
Council for Peace and Solidarity (YCPS) condemned on Thursday recent acts of killing
SANA'A, Aug. 06 (Saba)- the human losses were decreased due to
decision of banning shoulder of weapons at 75 percent.