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Wed, 12/30/2009 - 16:56
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ On Tuesday, a ceremony of awarding the "Golden Gerege" prize took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This prize is awarded to a foreigner, to a Mongolian and organization that propagandize Mongolia, enter into relations with foreign countries in the spheres of politics, economy, education, arts, culture and sports, and significantly contribute to protecting interests of Mongolians living abroad.
The Foreign Minister G.Zandanshatar extended New Year's greetings to the gathered at the ceremony, and gave a speech about the Golden Gerege prize. The very first prize is awarded to the Prince Andrew, Duke of York; Tokuji Yanagisawa, head of the Japan-Mongolia Goodwill Association; and a Dutch foundation named "Mongolian beauty".
The Prince Andrew, Duke of York, is the second son of the Queen Elizabeth II. His visits to Mongolia had a vital importance in terms of widening Mongolia-Britain relations and economic cooperation, especially the collaboration in mining and investment sectors. The Prince Andrew made a significant contribution to keeping the frequency of the political talks and to advertising Mongolia in the Great Britain and worldwide.
The head of Japan-Mongolia Goodwill Association (JMGA) Mr Tokuji Yanagisawa established the association at his initiative in 1965 with aims to develop the Mongolia-Japan relations and to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between Mongolian and Japanese people. Nowadays, the JMGA has 170 branches in Japan and 3,000 members.
The Dutch "Mongolian beauty" foundation has been carrying out wide activities in many social spheres since the foundation was established in 2001. It supports the Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, for example, has granted a scholarship to a foremost pupil of the city's 60th school for studying in the Netherlands, involved the school's pupils in free-of-charge training in the "Santis" foreign language center. A donation has been collected by the foundation as well for the AIDS/HIV prevention activities.