ID :
Tue, 12/22/2009 - 18:29
Auther :


Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA Jonathan Addleton has extended New Year Greeting to citizens of Mongolia.
Mr Addleton begun his greeting with saying "Sanbano--Shin Jeleen Mind Hurgee" on Mongolian which means "Hello, the Mongolians, Happy New Year".
He said, as the new US Ambassador, he is honored to have this opportunity to extend New Year's greetings to the citizens of Mongolia. "Over the years, the ties between the United States and Mongolia have deepened, to the benefit of both our countries," he said.
Mr Addleton mentioned that as this year closes, more than 120 Peace Corps volunteers are working in health, education and business development projects in villages and towns across Mongolia. Other Americans study in Mongolia or work as teachers, volunteers or entrepreneurs.
The Ambassador underlined that the U.S. government-funded programs also work in partnership with Mongolians in a number of ways. Over the recent past, that partnership has included: Support for improvements at Amarbayasgalant Monastery; Expanded development initiatives funded by USAID and the Millennium Challenge Account; Funding for Fulbright and other scholarships; and Assistance to support the Mongolian military in its peacekeeping role in both Chad and Afghanistan.
“For their part, Mongolians are also making their mark on the wider world, including the growing number of Mongolians who visit, work or study in the United States. The fact is, we have much to learn from each other. And, when Mongolians and Americans meet, the results are almost always positive,” he said.
“New Year celebrations always provide an opportunity for both reflection and anticipation. As 2009 draws to a close, I want to especially congratulate Mongolians on the 20th anniversary of their decision to embark on a new road, one which recognizes the importance of freedom and democracy,” he said.
As for 2010, the Ambassador wished for Mongolia what he wished for his own country--"wisdom, honesty, compassion and courage in responding to the many opportunities and challenges that no doubt lie ahead".
"And, once again: Shin Jeleen Bayareen Mind Hurgee," says his greeting.