ID :
Thu, 12/17/2009 - 00:53
Auther :

Iran's Majlis committee calls for limiting diplomatic ties with Britain

TEHRAN, Dec. 16 (MNA) – The Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee on Wednesday urged the Foreign Ministry to reduce the level of diplomatic relations with the British government.

The committee proposed lowering diplomatic ties from ambassadorial level to charge d’affaires.

Officials from the intelligence and foreign ministries attended the committee’s meeting on Wednesday to discuss the British government behavior toward Tehran.

Mohammad Reza Karimirad, a member of the committee, said the MPs have examined the British government’s “viciousness” especially its interventions in Iran’s internal affairs after the presidential election.

It is the third time over the past two years that lawmakers have called for limiting diplomatic relationship with Britain, but the administration has so far refused to enforce it.

The British government has always pushed for the passage of resolutions against Iran at the UN Security Council for its nuclear program which the IAEA has so far found no evidence indicating that Tehran is seeking a nuclear weapons program.

Such hostile attitudes have spurred the MPs to reconsider the diplomatic ties with London.