ID :
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 12:01
Auther :


Jakarta, June 6 (ANTARA) - Following are headlines of major Indonesian newspapers on Friday.

The Jakarta Post 'SMART CARD' FOR FUEL SEEN AS NOT SMART ENOUGH Costly satellite technology coupled with the high potential for public unrest had led to the government to rethink the "Smart card" program to limitmotorists purchase of subsided fuels.

Kompas, Media Indonesia MUNARMAN HAS NOT SURRENDER HIMSELFUp to 1.05 am on Friday (June 6), Munarman has not yet surrender himself. Although, it was said earlier that Munarman planned to meet his lawyer, Samsul Basri Rajam and Anton Medan, his relative, and later surrender himself to the police.

Republika 14 MASS AND YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS: THERE MUST BE NO DISCRIMINATIONA total of 14 mass and youth organizations (OPK) which grouped in the Young Islamic University Students Forum (FPMI) urged the Muslims not to be provoked by those who wanted to see Muslims to fight against each other, following the Monas incident, last Sunday (June 1). FPMII asked the country's Muslims to strengthen unity.

"FPMI urge the government to be fair and not to be discriminative. All sides must refrain and promote dialog in dealing with the problem," Syahrul Effendi Dasopang of FPMII said here on Thursday.