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Mon, 12/07/2009 - 17:28
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Iran's EC chairman insists on moderation

MASHHAD, Dec. 6 (MNA) - Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has said he has always expressed his opposition to extremism either by leftists or rightists in the country.

“I have always announced my position that I am against extremism,” Rafsanjani told in a question and answer session with a group of students in Mashhad on Saturday.

The former president said he has always favored moderation in the country’s political scene. However, he said, “All through these times a kind of extremism has been formed against me.”

If moderation dominates in the society many issues will be resolved, he noted, adding there have always been extremists in the rightist and leftist camps.

Rafsanjani dismissed a question that he has been silent toward developments in the country. However, he said the situation in the country has reached a degree that “constructive criticism and remarks are not tolerated.”

He went on to say that he “clearly” pronounced his position about the developments that followed the June 12 presidential election and presented his solutions.

The Expediency Council chairman said in his Friday prayer sermons after the election he insisted on the role of people because it were the people who brought the Islamic Revolution to victory and if people did not voluntarily joined military forces, the victory over the Saddam army was “impossible”, a reference to the Iran-Iraq 1980-1988 war.

“In the sermons I said that doubts must be removed but certain people said why you used the term ‘doubt’ while my statements were about certain issues brought about after the elections.”

He added, “All sides should act within the framework of law.”

The former president said providing a “free environment” for expressing views will help clear up ambiguities. He suggested that rivals should hold televised debates and express their views.