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Fri, 12/04/2009 - 15:47
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ The parliament Speaker D.Demberel received Thursday Arshad Saeed, country director of the World Bank (WB) for Mongolia, and Neil Johnson, an advisor to a project of improving skills of parliament which is implemented by the WB. The sides shared views on cooperation between Mongolia and the WB.
Mr Saeed said the WB has backed Mongolian parliamentary office's project on improving capacities of Center of Research, Analysis and Public Relations (CSARP) at parliament. According to him, the UK government decided to finance this project with USD 2 million. Another financing will be given by Canada and Australia as well.
The WB intends to realize a special program on technical assistance to the mining sector of Mongolia, he went on. A draft of the program that concerns the mining infrastructure will be ready next year, he added. "Besides, it is possible for us to consider with the parliamentary office the issues of realizing some projects on improvement of skills of parliamentary Standing committees," Mr Saeed stressed.
Advisor to the project Mr Johnson mentioned about his five-day work at the parliamentary office and the CSARP and about his meetings with many MPs and officials. He expressed a willingness to realize projects for improvement of Standing committees.
The Speaker thanked the WB officials for supporting the project. "Providing MPs with research and information based on true resources is vital in running legislative actions. The center urgently needs advice and experience from foreign organizations, up-to-date techniques and technologies. We want to promptly carry out research works and conduct analyses," Mr Demberel said.
We reported before that April this year the Speaker requested the WB's country director to give technical assistance in implementing a project on strengthening skills of the CSAPR and send international experts. The WB supported the proposal and officially said that a technical assistance might be rendered in frames of the "Promoting government partnership" project being implemented that time by the WB.