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Wed, 12/02/2009 - 18:07
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Iran more secure than Eastern, Western states: interior minister

BANDAR ABBAS, Dec. 2 (MNA) – Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najar has said that public security in Iran is high in comparison to Eastern and Western countries.

However, the minister said citizens are not well informed about security efforts made by law enforcement forces.

“The main problem is that ‘sense of security’ among citizens is low,” the minister told the Mehr News Agency correspondent in the port city of Bandar Abbas on Tuesday.

He called on mass media to inform the public about efforts made to create a secure environment for citizens.

The former defense minister also said Iran and Pakistan have reached a deal on security cooperation at common borders and the two countries will agree on more security cooperation in the future.

The Abdolmalik Rigi network, a notorious gang group, has conducted a series of abductions and violent acts in southeastern cities in Sistan Balouchestan province in the last few years. The culprits have been using Pakistan’s soil as a safe haven.

Iran and Pakistan have agreed to share intelligence about the group.