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Sun, 09/01/2024 - 08:05
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Presidents of Mongolia and the Republic of Slovenia Hold a Press Briefing

Ulaanbaatar, August 20, 2024 /MONTSAME/.  At the invitation of H.E. President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, President of the Republic of Slovenia  H.E Nataša Pirc Musar is paying a State Visit to Mongolia on August 20-21, 2024.

The Heads of State have held a press briefing on the outcomes of their official talks. The two sides agreed that this first State Visit, taking place within the framework of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Slovenia, would provide a significant boost to expanding and deepening relations and cooperation between the two countries.

The Presidents stated the signing of the Mongolia-Slovenia Joint Declaration and documents on cooperation in the fields of tourism and forestry. The Heads of State exchanged views on bilateral relations and cooperation, and issues of mutual interest on international relations, reaffirming their commitment to making joint efforts for global peace and sustainable development. The speeches delivered by the Presidents of the two countries are as follows:

President of Mongolia H.E. Khurelsukh Ukhnaa:

“Honorable President,
Representatives of the Press,
I extend my greetings to you all.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to President of the Republic of Slovenia Her Excellency Nataša Musar for receiving my invitation and paying a State Visit to Mongolia, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Slovenia.

Your Excellency, this visit marks the first State Visit by a Head of State of Slovenia to our country, and together, we are opening a new chapter in the history of friendly relations and cooperation. We regard the Republic of Slovenia as one of our third neighbors and an important partner in Europe, and the relations and cooperation between our two countries are expanding and developing based on the democratic values of human rights, freedom, and the rule of law. During the visit, we had in-depth discussions on expanding relations and cooperation, developing mutually beneficial economic cooperation aimed at the progress and development of our countries, and increasing investments.

As a result of our talks, we signed the Mongolia-Slovenia Joint Declaration, a Memorandum of Understanding on Tourism Cooperation, and a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Forestry. Also, we reached to final agreement to establish an Intergovernmental Agreement on Aviation Relations in the near future.

I am confident that these documents would define the future direction and roadmap for relations and cooperation between our two countries, significantly contributing to strengthening bilateral relations in all sectors.

This State Visit holds great significance in broadening cooperation in trade, economy, investment, environment, road transport, tourism, and education, as well as in enhancing exchanges between the citizens of our two countries.

Protecting the environment and combating climate change are among the top priorities for achieving sustainable development goals and implementing two countries' medium- and long-term development policies. We concurred that it is vital to expand cooperation in this area and collaborate on the “One Billion Trees” National Campaign of Mongolia.

Pharmaceutical products from Slovenia's Krka Company are already well-known in the Mongolian market. Looking ahead, there is a great potential to increase trade turnover in this field. We have agreed to cooperate in developing mutually beneficial partnerships between Mongolian and Slovenian entrepreneurs.

Dear President, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your participation as a Guest of Honor in the World Women’s Forum in Ulaanbaatar, to be held under the auspices of the President of Mongolia, while paying a State Visit to our beautiful country.

Our two countries affirmed our common goals and shared positions on foreign policy and our commitment to further consolidating cooperation within the United Nations and other international organizations. I am fully confident that relations and cooperation between our two countries will expand, strengthen, and be enriched with economic content, and collaboratively contribute to the efforts of the international community.

Mongolia is eager to enhance cooperation, coordinating Mongolia’s peaceful, independent, open, and multi-pillar foreign policy and Slovenia’s efforts and policies for global peace and sustainable development. I am certain that the official talks and agreements we have reached will come to reality and yield effective results, leading to the prosperity of our countries and well- being of the people of the two countries and our relations and cooperation will continue to grow and strengthen.

I warmly welcome you, dear President Nataša Musar, esteemed guests and representatives to our beautiful country under the Eternal Blue Sky.”

President of the Republic of Slovenia H.E. Nataša Pirc Musar:

Your Excellency Mr President of Mongolia,

Dear Members of the Media,

It was a great pleasure that I accepted your President’s kind invitation to visit your beautiful country, with which Slovenia established diplomatic relations 31 years ago on 18 February 1993.

During Slovenia's candidacy and preparations for membership of the UN Security Council in the 2024–2025 term, we strengthened the political dialogue and cooperation between our two countries.

In May 2023, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia visited Slovenia and attended the diplomatic conference at which the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and Other International Crimes (LHC) was adopted.

Slovenia and Mongolia have many shared aspirations and goals. Both are committed to democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. In the context of international relations, they pursue similar objectives – such as a strong support for multilateralism, the advancement of women's rights, peace and security, respect for international law and the importance of ensuring accountability, sustainable development and more.  Mongolia, alongside Slovenia, is one of the core members of the MLA (Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition) initiative.

The two countries also face similar challenges, including climate change risks and security challenges arising from changing regional and global geopolitical dynamics. Last winter was one of Mongolia's harshest in recent years, while Slovenia was hit by catastrophic floods last year. Challenges of this kind highlight the need for closer cooperation and integration between like-minded people, solidarity and increased diplomatic efforts.

I am delighted that Slovenia can share its knowledge and experience regarding sustainable forest management with Mongolia. This project, now in its second year and supported by development aid from the Republic of Slovenia, focuses on transferring knowledge to women in rural areas. To this end, workshop participants also founded Mongolia's first association for female foresters.

In 2023, Slovenia provided training to Mongolian peacekeepers on gender equality and gender mainstreaming in peacekeeping operations and missions, an initiative which was highly valued by the Mongolian peacekeepers. The Slovenian Peace Operations Training Centre, which led this project, was also selected to implement a European project on the prevention of gender-based violence.

I would also like to emphasize Slovenia's deep appreciation for Mongolia's leadership in gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in society.  We welcome the organisation of the World Women's Forum and I am honoured to accept your President's invitation to attend as Guest of Honour. This event provides an important platform for dialogue, highlighting the key role of women in all segments of society, addressing the challenges we face and strengthening cooperation in areas that are essential for women's empowerment.

Slovenia attaches great importance to human rights. Women's rights are also among the thematic priorities of our country in multilateral fora. It is an esteemed privilege to be the Guest of Honour at the opening session of the forum, which will provide an opportunity for meaningful discussions and for taking what may seem like small steps, but are essential to building a better future.  

Economic cooperation between Slovenia and Mongolia is currently modest, so I am pleased that the official visit will also include a business forum. The forum represents an important opportunity to further strengthen relations and open the door to new ways of cooperation and opportunities for mutual growth. It will focus on presenting opportunities for cooperation in pharmaceuticals, smart agriculture, nutrition, digitalisation and artificial intelligence.

In the framework of the visit, a Memorandum of Understanding on tourism cooperation was signed between Slovenia's Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Mongolia's Ministry of Culture, Sport, Tourism and Youth.

In addition to the political and economic aspects, this visit also includes elements of cultural diplomacy, as together we will visit an exhibition by Slovenian photographer Matjaž Tančič, entitled Guardians of the Earth, which showcases the stories of rural women and their connection to the environment.

We are pleased to see that Mongolia, as part of its Third Neighbour Policy, wants to cooperate more closely with Slovenia and other EU countries.

Slovenia supports the enhanced dialogue under the EU-Mongolia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement of 2013. The EU recognises the strong commitment of Mongolian citizens to the development and protection of democratic principles and supports the further strengthening of Mongolia as a country governed by the rule of law.

Slovenia also respects and supports Mongolia's efforts to maintain stability in Northeast Asia and to promote dialogue, including the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue on Security in Northeast Asia. As a non-permanent member of the UNSC, Slovenia is all the more interested in cooperating with countries that are committed to dialogue, confidence-building and respect for international law.

The situation on the Korean peninsula and the broader Indo-Pacific region is concerning. Slovenia and EU Member States are deeply troubled by the military cooperation between North Korea and the Russian Federation, which has implications for both regions.

We must work together to prevent further destabilisation of the region, which could have repercussions not only for the region, but also more broadly.

With the Joint Declaration of Slovenia and Mongolia, which I signed with the Honourable President, the two countries will commit to further solidifying friendly relations and enhancing cooperation in areas of mutual interest. We will pay particular attention to promoting women's rights and gender equality in all areas of socio-economic activity, especially in light of the many global challenges we face and will continue to face in the future.

Your Excellency Mr. President,

Though separated by distance, our nations share profound commonalities. Both Slovenia and Mongolia cherish the noble horse: The loving and proud Lipizzaners come from the Slovenian Karst. Mongolia is proud of its hardy and fast horses, which once galloped to the very borders of what is now Slovenia.

Moreover, SLOVEnia, which holds "love" in its name, and MonGOlia, which urges us to move forward, are united in their commitment to sustainable development and environmental preservation.

And the list goes on. There are many things that unite our two peoples, and I am confident that we will find ways to strengthen our cooperation for the prosperity of both nations.