ID :
Thu, 05/28/2009 - 13:07
Auther :

Japan Firm Told to Make Deep CO2 Cut from Power Plant

Tokyo, May 28 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government on Thursday
urged a thermal power plant operator to cut as much carbon dioxide emissions
as possible from a new coal-fired plant to be constructed in northeastern

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Toshihiro Nikai issued the
recommendation to the plant operator, jointly owned by Diamond Power Corp.,
a Mitsubishi Corp. <8058> affiliate, and Nippon Kasei Chemical Co. <4007>.
Nikai said the joint firm should introduce most advanced equipment
for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the 400,000-kilowatt power plant,
to be built in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture.
The amount of CO2 emissions from the plant is estimated at 0.81
kilogram per kilowatt-hour of energy, much higher than the average of major
power utilities.
Due to concern over the potential impact on the environment,
Environment Minister Tetsuo Saito called for a review to the power plant
construction in a position paper submitted to Nikai this week.
The plant operator is now requited to come up with an environment
impact assessment report based on the recommendation of the industry