Full Name: Russian News Agency TASS
Head: Director General - Mr. Andrei Kondrashov
Address: Russia, 125993, Moscow ,Tverskoy blvd, 2
Phone: +7 499 791 04 59 ,791 04 51
Fax: +7 499 791 00 14
Contact person: Ms.Ekaterina Shirokova
Email: shirokova_e@tass.ru
Website: https://tass.com
- Founded in 1904 (originally started as St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency, returned to its former and world-famous name TASS in 2014)
- OANA member since 1981
- Publishing nearly 3,000 news in all official UN languages - English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French and about 700 photographs and videos from correspondents in Russia and across the world daily
- 1800 employees
- Regional information centers in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg, in addition to dozens of offices in Russia’s regions, along with 57 global branches in 52 countries.
- Operates a unique educational center – the Academy of News. Its training programs are designed specifically for journalists, content managers, PR and press service staff.