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Mon, 02/22/2021 - 11:22
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25 companies to pay MNT 78 billion in dividends

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. In accordance with Mongolia’s Company Law, a joint stock company’s board of directors must resolve matters regarding the distribution of dividends within 50 days of the end of a financial year and submit the report on dividend distribution to the Financial Regulatory Committee. In 2019, 43 stock companies decided to make payments of MNT 112.1 billion for dividends and in 2020, 35 companies paid out MNT 132.7 billion for dividends. As reported by the Financial Regulatory Commission, 25 joint stock companies have resolved to pay out a total of MNT 78 billion to its shareholders this year. The companies include Tumen Shuvuut JSC, LendMN NBFI, Makh Impex LLC, Bodi Insurance, Ard Insurance, Ulaanbaatar Buk, Ard Credit, APU Company, Monos Foods, Mongolia Telecom Company, Mongol Post, Mandal Insurance, Hermes Center and others. The payment of dividends will be distributed to the companies’ shareholders through the Mongolian Central Securities Depository.