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Wed, 02/17/2021 - 11:13
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Mongolia to receive COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX Facility

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. Gavi, the Global Vaccine Alliance, announced recently the distribution forecast for countries, including Mongolia, to be allocated Covid-19 vaccines through the COVAX Global Vaccines Facility. The UK is one of the largest global donors to the COVAX facility, contributing £548 million. The UK also hosted a “Global Vaccine Summit’’ in June 2020, at which global leaders made historic commitments to enable equal access to vaccines for all. Mongolia will receive doses of both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines. On the allocation of vaccines, HMA Malone said ‘’ This is an important milestone in the global fight against Covid-19. The UK has provided strong political and financial support to the COVAX facility since its establishment in 2020, to ensure vaccines reach people in low and middle income countries as quickly as possible.” Also, on 10 February WHO recommended the use of of AstraZeneca vaccine amongst all adult age groups and recommended a longer period (8-12 weeks) between doses for better immunity. They have also said it is effective against variants of the disease in all countries. British Embassy Ulaanbaatar