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Thu, 03/12/2020 - 12:03
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9.2 million sq.m public area to be decontaminated

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ In frames of preventive measures against coronavirus spread, disinfection works have being carried out since February 8 in over 11.600 food, factory and service places and sales points of the capital city by 37 organizations with special licenses. General Manager of Ulaanbaatar city T.Gantumur said “Service places that have been closed temporarily until March 16 started receiving disinfection service, concluding contracts with one of the 37 licensed organizations. Moreover, the disinfection service providers reduced their service fee to MNT 200 per sq. m, which was MNT 600 within their social responsibility action and doing disinfection. According to the order issued by the capital city governor, MNT 108.9 million has been allocated to decontaminate nearly 6000 places at risk and the places are being decontaminated twice and more. Public streets, roads, buildings and facilities will be disinfected soon when it gets warmer. The reason is disinfection gets effective when air temperature is higher than 0 Celsius degree. And a total of 9.2 million square meter area will be decontaminated."