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Map of the Kazakh Khanate of the 16th century was found in the Vatican. Now Russian scientists are studying it. It will help to deepen the knowledge of the trade relations of the time.

Professor at Columbia University and Kazakh National university Rafis Abazov demonstrates the unique copies of the documents found in the archives of the Vatican. The artifacts will shed light on the ancient connections of the West and the nomads.


It's called "Secret Archives of the Vatican." But due to new trends, they started to gradually open up. There I found a collection of about 300-400 shots of different books. This map is one of the oldest. This part - an area that we call Kazakhstan.

What did the Romans and nomads have in common? The researchers have their own suggestions on this topic. The Kazakh scientist believes that the relationship between the nomads and the Romans actively developed during the existence of the Silk Road. The map served as their guide.


Italy appeared in the XIX century. Before then there was the Vatican, Milan, Florence, Genuia. And they were very much engaged in trade. The relations with the East were very important. Their main partner for many centuries were the Kipchaks. There are sources that say that in Venice there may have been a separate quarter where the Kipchaks lived.

Kazakh traveler Sapar Iskakov is interested in the unusual find. He will go on an expedition, during which he is planning to visit more than 20 countries this spring. He has included Vatican int his list.


Documents about the history of our country are found in many foreign archives. I think we need to pay more attention to their research, because it will help to learn more about our history.

Professor Rafis Abazov also plans to soon return to the Vatican. He intends to continue to study the archives. The scientist hopes that these studies will help to open a new page in the history of the country.