ID :
Tue, 06/21/2011 - 14:38
Auther :

U.S. Urged to Apologize for Environmental Pollution in S. Korea-Newspaper

Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- The U.S. had better admit its environmental pollution in south Korea, make apology and immediately withdraw its forces out of south Korea, urges Minju Joson in a by-lined commentary Tuesday.
A document revealed the pollution in the U.S. military bases in south Korea including those in Waegwan, Puphyong, Uijongbu, Chunchon, Tongduchon and Phyongthaek, the commentary says, adding:
More than 90 U.S. military bases exist in south Korea. This number speaks well for the U.S. forces' environmental pollution turning whole of south Korea to wasteland.
The serious environmental pollution in south Korea is a product of the U.S. policy of discrimination and extreme contempt for the Korean nation. The U.S. regards south Korea as its colony and an advance base for a new war even though it calls it an ally.