ID :
Sat, 05/28/2011 - 13:34
Auther :

Rodong Sinmun Paints Capitalist Society as Chess-pool of Moral Corruption

Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- There can be no genuine morality of man in the capitalist society where moral corruption and degeneration and human contamination are so awful that they pose a serious problem at present, says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a bylined article.
Individualism and the law of the jungle are attributes and principle governing existence inherent to the capitalist society, the article notes, disclosing the danger of moral corruption and human degradation and contamination festering due to the imperialists.
It goes on:
The danger lies in that they brutalize people, make them crippled and deformed and play the role of a brake hampering the development of history and society.
Bourgeois idea and culture are the most reactionary and unpopular idea and culture based on the extreme individualism protecting the corrupt and ailing capitalist system and capitalist class.
If bourgeois idea and culture are allowed to spread, they will hurt national sovereignty and soul and make national culture disappear.
The reactionary nature of the idea and culture spread by the imperialists lies in that they block the development of each country's national culture, history and society.
There is no remedy for moral corruption and degeneration and human contamination festering due to the imperialists. This is an incurable disease in the capitalist society.