ID :
Thu, 05/12/2011 - 19:39
Auther :

MP: the formation of a parliamentary committee to follow up on the file Mujahedeen Khalq Organization

Baghdad (NINA) - Member of the Security and Defense Committee in the Parliament, Adnan Al Shahmani, announced that the Committee formed a special committee under his chairmanship to follow up on the Iranian opposition organization Mujahedeen Khalq.

He told NINA "the committee will communicate with the parties concerned in order to reach a number of options which will be lead to the closure of this file, one of these options is resettling them in a third country."

He added "the territory of Camp Ashraf, is Iraqi and the land must return to its owner and no party has the right to do anything with it except the legitimate owners."

He stressed "this issue will be dealt with objectively, keeping in mind the country's interests and sovereignty. The remaining of this file has negative consequences on security in Iraq."