ID :
Tue, 05/10/2011 - 17:33
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Mutalibi unveils: many IS members in favor of Maliki’s approach, but, fear to declare it as they could get physical liquidation

Baghdad (NINA) - Member of the National Alliance-State of Law Coalition, Saad Al Mutalibi, unveiled that there are lots of members of the Iraqiya Slate who support the approaches of Maliki and his way of dealing with various issues, but, at the same time are unable to declare this support explicitly, as they fear from the physical liquidation of some extreme IS supporters."

Mutalibi told NINA on Monday that the IS is basically not coherent and viable for fragmentation, its cohesion might be in front of the media only.

He said “the IS suffers from cracking among its members, so, it is very difficult to admit the unity of it, being devoid of the central decision."

He accused some members of the IS of trying to wreck the entire political process and thwart this experiment while there is concern by the State of Law Coalition to make it more coherent government and with all its components.

Mutalibi pointed out that the IS follows a pattern in which it tries to thwart the political agreements, clarifying that "after each agreement among the political blocs, the IS begins to move on the Arab and international levels to thwart any agreement between the SLC and IS, and under the direct impact of the strong Arab opinion, stressing that this issue has clear negative results in terms of legislations."

He expressed the SLC’s keenness on maintaining the IS coherent and able to take decisive decisions, and building solid foundations with the rest of the blocks to build solid foundations for the national interest.”