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Tue, 05/10/2011 - 15:02
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Shahjahan launches polio campaign

Staff Reporter

Islamabad, May 10, 2011 (Pakistan Observer): Minister of State for Health, Sardar Shahjahan Yusuf today launched the three day nation-wide Polio Campaign by administering polio drops to a few children in Islamabad.

Speaking on the occasion the Minister informed that special arrangements have been made to reach over 33 Million children in the country with polio vaccine. He informed that 91,000 special teams have been constituted for the purpose.

The Minister said despite challenges, considerable progress has been made this year under the Emergency Action Plan for Polio. The country’s largest province Punjab is polio-free this year, the Federal Capital Islamabad is polio-free, both Gilgit-Baltistan and AJK are polio-free. Let me assure you that we will do our utmost to ensure that the Emergency Plan is implemented in letter and spirit, added the Minister.

The country has reported 36 cases of polio this year with majority of cases from FATA. The situation in FATA creating challenges of inaccessibility for the polio teams, the havoc played by the floods in 2010 and sub-optimal campaign quality in some parts of the country had pushed us back in our fight against polio, the Minister said. The FATA administration is working on innovative strategies to access children being missed in FATA.

Our valiant armed forces are rendering great sacrifices in establishing the writ of the Government and protecting and preserving their motherland. The Minister remarked that the Prime Minister has placed responsibility for Polio Eradication on the shoulders of the Chief Secretaries and DCOs. I am sure the administration will live up to the confidence we have reposed in it and we will soon see the results.