ID :
Mon, 04/18/2011 - 01:29
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Over 40 wounded during clashes in Sulaymaniya

Sulaymaniya (NINA) – Over 40 persons, including 8 policemen, wounded in clashes on Sunday afternoon, Apr. 17, in central Sulaymaniya between demonstrators and police.

NINA's correspondent quoted an official in Sulaymaniya saying that police tried to disperse gathered demonstrators in Hurriya Square, in Bab al-Sarai area, who refused to leave, making police use tear gas to force demonstrators clear the area.

The source pointed out that police also used clubs and water cannons, and then live ammunition, wounding 7 demonstrators, who are taken to hospital.

He added that most of casualties resulted because police used clubs to force demonstrators away, resulted in causing fractures to them, they all taken to hospitals.

Demonstrators' main demand is political reforms in Kurdistan and to combat corruption, as well as to improve services and treating unemployment in the region.