ID :
Thu, 04/07/2011 - 01:16
Auther :

Qado calls for security forces to replace Peshmerga in Niniveh valley

Mosul (NINA) – Secretary General of Democratic Shabak Gathering, Haneen Qado, called on the central government to intensify the presence of Iraqi security forces in Niniveh Valley to replace the Peshmerga forces that are now stationed there.

In a statement to NINA on Wednesday, Apr. 6, Qado, a former law maker, said, "Deploying Iraqi forces is being demanded by Valley's residents (Azidis, Christians and Shabak), because the Peshmerga are sowing trouble and attempt to instigate chaos to enable them control the area."

Qado demanded that Article 140 not be implemented because in stipulates, according to him, annexing the Valley to Kurdistan region.

He added, "The Valley is administratively and geographically follows the central government and its residents also want to join the central government."