ID :
Thu, 03/17/2011 - 11:02
Auther :

Rodong Sinmun Terms U.S. Real Disturber of Peace

Pyongyang, March 17 (KCNA) -- It is ridiculous, indeed, for the United States to label the DPRK as a "provocateur" as the former is getting frantic in its moves to ignite a war, observes DPRK major paper Rodong Sinmun Thursday in a by-lined commentary.
The U.S. is the arch criminal straining the situation on the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Northeast Asia and seriously threatening and disturbing the peace and stability in the region, frantically pursuing a hostile policy toward the DPRK, the commentary notes, and goes on:
The U.S. saber-rattling has turned a peaceful atmosphere into a war one all of a sudden. This fact patently proves that it is a disturber of peace and a perpetrator of military provocations against the DPRK.
The U.S. regarded the escalation of the drills to cope with someone's "contingency" and "the elimination of the DPRK's WMDs" as important programs of its recent Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises.
The U.S.-led war maneuvers simulating a preemptive attack upon the DPRK are now under way in south Korea, creating an extremely tense situation on the peninsula. -0-