ID :
Thu, 03/10/2011 - 13:13
Auther :

Rodong Sinmun Calls for Removal of Cold War Structure from Northeast Asia

Pyongyang, March 10 (KCNA) -- The new U.S. "National Military Strategy" pursues a criminal aim to accelerate the formation of a triangular military alliance involving the U.S., Japan and south Korea in Northeast Asia and preserve and consolidate the Cold War structure.
Rodong Sinmun Thursday says this in a by-lined article.
It goes on:
Northeast Asia used to be a theatre of acute showdown between socialism and imperialism in the Cold War era and this outdated structure of the Cold War still exists there.
The main objective of the U.S. strategy toward the region is to prevent other powers from increasing their influence in the region by force and establish a U.S.-dominated hegemonic order there.
It is by no means fortuitous that it is opting for reorganizing its overall armed forces in conformity with its new regional strategy, the strategy of giving importance to the region, while persistently preserving and consolidating the Cold War structure in the region.
The formation of a new military bloc in the region by the U.S. would be the root cause of seriously threatening peace and stability in the region and sparking a war.