ID :
Sat, 02/26/2011 - 14:56
Auther :

Gunmen detonate production lines of Beiji Oil Refinery

Tikrit, Salah-il-Din (NINA) –Unidentified gunmen broke into the Northern Oil Refinery in Beiji district of Salah-il-Din province on Saturday dawn and detonated its production lines with bombs after killing four engineers.

Police source stated to NINA “The gunmen attacked the Refinery guards unexpectedly with their silenced weapons then emplaced bombs to a number of its production lines detonating them leading to stop 80% of the Refinery production.”

“The gunmen killed four engineers working in the Refinery and injured three guards before retreating,” he added.

“Fire erupted in some of the production lines which were successfully extinguished by the civil defense corps after more than two hours,” he assured.

A source from Salah-il-Din Governorate told NINA reporter that “The Governor, Ahmed Abdullah held the Commander of Oil Protection Police, Colonel Adil Ibrahim, responsible of the gunmen entrance to the Refinery.”

It is worth mentioning that the Northern Oil Refinery in Beiji produces 980.000 barrels/per day of oil derivatives to fulfill 25% of the local needs.