ID :
Sat, 02/12/2011 - 11:13
Auther :

Blasts S. Korea's Plot to Torpedo Inter-Korean Dialogue

Pyongyang (KCNA) -- The collapse of the dialogue between the militaries of the north and the south is a natural product of south Korea's plaot to scuttle the inter-Korean dialogue.
This found a vivid manifestation in the course of fixing the dates for the preliminary talks for the high-level military talks and the opening of the full-dress talks.
The north side proposed around late in January as the date for the preliminary talks and around the first ten-days of February as the date for opening the full-dress talks in a bid to move up the date for the talks even a day.
The south side, however, deliberately put off the dates for the talks under the pretext of lunar New Year and the January 15th on the lunar calendar.
Even after being compelled to come out to the negotiating table, they despicably behaved in a bid to set late in February as the date for the full-dress talks under this or that pretext.
Their real intention was to fix around late in February when Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises targeting the north are expected to be staged throughout south Korea in collusion with foreign forces as the date for the full-dress talks in a bid to lead elsewhere the north side's condemnation. They, at the same time, foolishly sought to shift the blame for the collapse of the talks onto the north side.