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Mon, 09/27/2010 - 21:52
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NEW YORK (A.A) - 27.09.2010 - Turkish President Abdullah Gul said about the Israeli attack on the six-ship flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza in May, "Israel made a great mistake."
President Gul appeared on CNN International's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" and gave his points of view on relations with Israel. 
When asked about impacts of the attack on Turkey-Israel relations, President Gul said, "this is not our choice, you see. We do not prefer this deterioration in relationship but unfortunately it was a great mistake from Israeli side because this blockage, embargo on Gaza."
"It was not only Turkey which criticized blockade and embargo on Gaza. U.S. President Barack Obama, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, members of the UN Security Council, and the European Union member-states called on Israel to lift embargo. Can we ignore it? Can we forget what happened in the Mediterranean Sea? Can we forget that eight Turkish  citizens and an American citizen were killed on that ship? Those ships were carrying humanitarian aid. They did not commit any crime. It is a human value to give a helping hand to people who are desperate. There were representatives of non-governmental organizations on board the ship," he said. 
Upon a question about Hamas, President Gul said, "after Hamas won elections in Gaza, a delegation from Hamas visited Turkey. They came. And, we talked with them, all in detail, and we told them, 'Look, now, your direction should be different from now. You are elected democratically, you should act democratically. Terror sending is nonsense, rockets -- you stop all these things'."
President Gul rejected allegations that Turkey pursued an aggressive foreign policy against Israel in order to improve its relations with the Arab world.  
"We are not against Israel. We are not the enemy of Israel. But we do have the right to criticise wrong policies," he said.   
Asked whether Turkey-Israel relations could turn to normal again, President Gul said it was up to Israel to decide if it wanted to re-establish the friendliness that existed before.
When recalled of statements of Israeli President Shimon Peres who said that a meeting that was supposed to take place between himself and Gul, but was allegedly canceled because Israel did not apologize or offer compensation to Turkey, President Gul said, "that version is not correct. There was not such an appointment."
Asked whether he would meet with Israeli President Shimon Peres without expecting him to apologize, President Gul said, "they are defending their act and they are criticizing us as if we acted something wrong. With this understanding how can I meet?" 
Asked whether Turkey was a loyal ally of the USA and the West, President Gul said, "Turkey is a part of the Alliance and there have been sound relations between Turkey and the USA. President Obama preferred Turkey as his first ever visit to a Muslim country. Turkey and the USA are allies. Turkey is the only country which increased number of its troops in Afghanistan."
Replying to a question about Iran, President Gul said, "there are two ways to resolve this issue -- waging a war or using diplomacy. We prefer diplomacy."