ID :
Tue, 07/27/2010 - 20:24
Auther :


ANKARA (A.A) - 27.07.2010 - British Prime Minister David Cameron extended on Tuesday support to Turkey's European Union (EU) bid in Ankara.
In a speech delivered at the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in Ankara, Cameron said that he was irritated by some efforts in the EU to block Turkey's EU membership when he thought Turkey's contributions to the defense of Europe in NATO and Turkey's efforts in Afghanistan alongside with European allies.
As Britain, we know what it means to be out of the (European) club. Yet we know that the status quo could change, Cameron said.
Praising Turkey's efforts as a NATO ally, Cameron said that there were three groups of people who opposed Turkey's EU membership.
The first group is "the protectionists" who fear the growth of a country like Turkey and who want to retreat and cut themselves off from the rest of the world, Cameron said.
The second group is "the polarized" who see the history of our world as a clash of civilizations, as a choice between East and West. They just don't get the fact that Turkey can be a great unifier. Because instead of choosing between East and West, Turkey has chosen both, Cameron underlined.
The third group is "the prejudiced" who wilfully misunderstand Islam. They see no difference between real Islam and the distorted version of the extremists. They think the problem is Islam itself, Cameron said.
All these arguments are just plain wrong. And, as a new Government in Britain, I want us to be at the forefront of an international effort to defeat them, Cameron said.
An EU without Turkey would be weaker. An EU without Turkey would be less secure. And, an EU without Turkey would be poorer, Cameron noted.
In his speech, Prime Minister Cameron suggested that Turkey and Israel should not end dialogue between themselves.
The situation in Gaza is not sustainable, Cameron said.
Touching on Turkey's would be role in the case of Iran, Cameron said that Turkey can help the world stop Iran from getting the nuclear bomb.