ID :
Mon, 06/28/2010 - 09:21
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Kan Says G-8 Condemnation of Ship Sinking Fruit of His Talks

Toronto, June 26 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan
emphasized Saturday that indirect condemnation of North Korea by leaders of
the Group of Eight major nations over the sinking of a South Korean warship
was the fruit of his argument.
Kan told reporters here that he said in his speech that the leaders
have to condemn what they have to, which resulted in the inclusion of the
condemnation in the statement on their just-ended two-day summit in Muskoka,
a resort district north of Toronto.
Noting that a South Korea-led investigation concluded that North
Korea was responsible for the sinking, the statement said, "We condemn, in
this context, the attack which led to the sinking."
The prime minister also said that it is important for all the G-8
nations to strike a balance between economic growth and fiscal
Japan underlined its policy of seeking economic growth based on job
creation and gained certain support from its G-8 partners, Kan said.

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