ID :
Wed, 05/19/2010 - 13:39
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Canadian Banking Industry Concerned about Japan's Postal Reform

Toronto, May 18 (Jiji Press)--Canadian Bankers Association
President Nancy Anthony on Tuesday expressed concern about the Japanese
government's postal service reform efforts.
The ongoing reform moves would cause "concern about protectionism,"
Anthony said in an interview with Jiji Press.
The association plans to launch an investigation into the matter,
she said.
Anthony, also chief executive of the association, was apparently
referring to worries that Japan's postal reform bill will work to block
private companies' entry into the business.
The United States and the European Union have been demanding Japan
ensure fair competition between the government-held Japan Post Holding Co.
group and private-sector firms especially in the field of life insurance.
Regarding a Group of 20 financial summit to be held here in late
June, Anthony offered the view that market liberalization would be one of
issues to be discussed.
What the G-20 leaders desire right now is to open up markets "to the
maximum extent possible," she pointed out.
The top Canadian banker opposed U.S. and British proposals to
impose a global bank tax to cover bailout costs during a financial crisis,
arguing the tax "does not address the root causes" of the crisis.
"It is almost as if you are encouraging people to be risky, because
you know there is a bailout fund over there," Anthony said.

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