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Fri, 07/11/2008 - 12:22
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Experts see energy efficiency as key solution to current power crisis

DHAKA, Bangladesh, July 12 (BSS) - Chief Adviser of Bangladesh caretaker government Dr Fakhruddin Ahmed today called for launching a nationwide energy conservation campaign as experts suggested the energy-starved country could resolve the current phase of power crisis using efficient devices alone.

"We recycle many things in our daily lives," he said opening a two-day national workshop and exhibition on energy conservationand renewable energy programmes at Sheraton Hotel here.

"I, therefore, would like to make an appeal to my countrymen to extend such behaviour in the use of scarce energy resources, avoid wastage of gas and electricity, use energy efficient lights, apply energy-saving technologies in industries and utilize renewable energy resources such as solar and wind energy." His comments came as energy experts said the country could largely address the evening peak time power deficit of about 1,000 megawatt alone with the use of energy saving devices like complete florescent lamps (CFL) while promotion of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, municipal wastes andpoultry litters could add 500 mw to the national grid.

"Can we now add capacity (through conventional generation systems) immediately? Probably not," said Rural Electrification Board member Engineer BD Rahmatullah, who presented a keynotepaper based on his research study at the workshop.

But, he said, under a comprehensive campaign the country could get an extra 1500 mw adopting conservation mechanisms and exploring alternative or renewable energy sources in six monthstime.

Chief Adviser's special assistant for the energy ministry Professor M Tamim said from a global perspective of record oil price and the fear of supply shortage "there was never a time more important than today in promoting these practices whenconservation has become the first source of fuel".

"There is always resistance to conservation saying that it does less by using less whereas efficiency allows doing more by using less. But in today's world, conservation does not mean just using less rather tailoring the use according to the need - notto feed the grid," Tamim said.

The special assistance said the government campaign being launched today is aimed at emphasizing the measures to address the current crisis. He called upon all offices, schools, factories and organizations to create "energy watcher group"within their own systems for energy conservation.

"We have already said turning off just one light bulb at each household in Dhaka city will save 50 mw reducing the load shedding; a mere 5/5 degree thermostat adjustment can save us 150 mw peak hour air conditioning load . . . solar panel, solar water heating, CFL - the options and opportunities are limitless." BSS/1300gmt BSS-02 MOEEN-SIDR Army to continue assisting Sidr-hit people: General Moeen PATUAKHALI, Bangladesh, July 10 (BSS)- Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh General Moeen U Ahmed today said the Bangladesh Army will continue assisting various development activities in the cyclone Sidr affected areastill mitigation of the plights of the victims.

"The global food crisis led to riots in 22 countries while Bangladesh did not face such a situation despite experiencing repeated floods in the last year (2007)," the army chief said while addressing a public meeting at Charnazir village underChoto Baishdia union of the district.

"I am firmly confident that if we all work together, Bangladesh will become a middle-income country by the year 2015,"said General Moeen.

There is no alternative of producing more foodstuffs toensure food security in the country, he asserted.

Reiterating his call for bringing every inch of land under cultivation, Moeen said modern technologies should be used on alarger scale to enhance agriculture production.

"We should work shoulder-to-shoulder for achieving sufficiency in food production. If we can do this, the country will not require to import food rather we will be able toexport," the army chief said.

General Moeen inquired about the progress of the army-runrehabilitation programmes in the district.

Later, he handed over land documents to five Sidr-affectedfamilies here.

High military officials and villagers were present on the occasion. General Moeen left Dhaka this morning on a two-dayvisit to Patuakhali and Bagerhat districts.