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Mon, 03/29/2010 - 15:55
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Japanese Duo Wins Pritzker Architecture Prize

Washington, March 28 (Jiji Press)--Japanese architects Kazuyo
Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa have won the 2010 Pritzker Architecture Prize, the
top honor in the field, the prize's jury said Sunday.

The architects, partners in Japanese architectural firm SANAA, will
receive 100,000 dollars from the Hyatt Foundation at an award ceremony on
New York's Ellis Island on May 17.
The award, sometimes referred to as the Nobel Prize of
architecture, has been granted to the partners in recognition of, in
particular, art museums they have designed in Japan and the United States.
Sejima and Nishizawa have been chosen for the prize "for
architecture that is simultaneously delicate and powerful, precise and
fluid, ingenious but not overly or overtly clever," the jury citation said.
They have won a number of architectural awards at home and abroad.
The Pritzker Architecture Prize is granted annually to "a living
architect whose built work demonstrates a combination of those qualities of
talent, vision and commitment, which has produced consistent and significant
contributions to humanity," according to a statement announcing the 2010
Previously, three Japanese architects won the prestigious
award--the late Kenzo Tange in 1987, Fumihiko Maki in 1993 and Tadao Ando in

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