ID :
Sun, 02/21/2010 - 14:26
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Mihman-Parast: Iran to produce nuclear fuel plates within months

Tehran, Feb 21, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mihman-Parast said on Saturday that Iran is to produce nuclear fuel plates within the coming four months.

Speaking to IRNA, he said, “We advise those who claim that Iran will not be able to produce nuclear fuel plates to exercise patience for the next four months.”

He was responding to a question posed by IRNA that as soon as Iran managed to produce 20 percent enriched uranium, some people began to claim that the country is not able to produce nuclear fuel plates.

From the early stages of running nuclear technology in Iran, some believed that the technology is beyond Iran’s capability and has been imported from abroad, he said.

To the same reason, they claimed that if import of such an apparatus to the country be banned, Iran’s nuclear activities will be halted and will be sealed off, he underlined.

After a while, they noticed that Iranian scientists have successfully indigenized the industry and have generated a new generation of centrifuges which produced 3.5 percent of enriched uranium, he said.

Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities are under supervision of IAEA’s inspectors and its cameras, he said, adding that they are fully aware of the fact that Iranians are able to implement such a significant job, he said.

They are concerned that an independent state with reliance on its youths to attain significant advancement might courage other states to attain independence and that is why they try to humiliate the might of the Iranian nation, he said.

As soon as the IAEA’s inspectors approved production of 20 percent enriched uranium by Iranian scientists, they claim that the country is not able to produce nuclear fuel plates, he said.

Technology for production of nuclear fuel bars is not too different from production of nuclear fuel plates; he said, adding that this will be proved within the coming four months./end