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Thu, 02/11/2010 - 19:46
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ With team members hailing from English speaking schools, the team from Mongolia is keen on improving their performance on this year’s edition of World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC) being held in Qatar.
“We did not do well in the last two years of the competition since the members of our team were not that efficient in the language but this time, we will do better,” said Danny Doucette, team coach.
The team whose members are competing at the WSDC for the first time was formed in November last year, and they have been practicing every day in the last few weeks in preparation for the much-anticipated competition.
Comprising the team are Ayurzana Ganbat, Zorigoo Tugsbayar, Bilguun Ulammandakh, Namujen Natsagnyam. With them is Allison Hahn, originally from the US, who will be an adjudicator during the contest. They will be facing the American team on the first round of the preliminaries.
The World Schools Debating Championships is a truly global competition for high school debaters. The Championships take place each year in a different country, hosted by a national debating body. Recent venues include Sydney, London, Johannesburg, Singapore, Lima and in 2006 Cardiff, Wales.
All debates take place in English. Each country can submit a squad of 3-5 students under 19 in full time education in that country to debate social, moral and political issues.