ID :
Tue, 02/09/2010 - 18:02
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Ulaanbaatar, MONTSAME/ Today is the 100th day of the government headed by S.Batbold. Over the past three months, the government worked in critical situations such as financial and economic crisis, nationwide spread of N1H1 virus, infant mortality due to infection, and the dzud--severe winter conditions.
Just after appointment to the post of Prime Minister, Batbol determined the government policies and its action as "Development for people-People for development". He raised new concepts on providing every person with job, education, increasing competitive capacity of tax, law and investments, manufacturing final products, renewing structure of all stages of education, obeying laws and on introducing responsibility system by announcing a motto "Together we can".
One of the largest primary objectives of the government is to put Tavan Tolgoi coal deposit into economic circulation and create economic and legal environments and infrastucture for realizing this project. A working group to design the project has held talks and negotiations with companies and consortiums from Brazil, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and China.
The Government initiated a Law on Human Development Fund and had parliament approve it. According to this law, every citizen of Mongolia will receive benefit from the mineral resources wealth and it has been decided to allocate 120,000 MNT in two installations. Currently, MNT 70,000 is distributing to children, the elders and handicapped people each.
The Government intends to set up state-owned companies "Mongol Mineral" and Mongol Infrastructure" with the aim of trading its shares to national and international security markets.
The government is doing all the best to overcome the winter difficulties of dzud with less damages. It will spend MNT 3.7 billion on combating dzud disaster and helping herders to save their livestock. Of the sum, MNT 2.7 billion will be spent on delivering hay, forage, food and medicines to dzud-struck provinces. About MNT 230 million will be distributed to each of provinces who are combating the dzud.
The Prime Minister Batbold is making effort in reforming a structure of all stages of education. The government has reorganized the state-owned higher education institutions by reducing a number of colleges and universities from 42 to 16.