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Fri, 02/05/2010 - 18:35
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/
From foreign press

A 12-year-old Saudi girl unexpectedly gave up her petition for divorce from an 80-year-old man her father forced her to marry in exchange for a dowry, Saudi media reported Tuesday.
Despite support from human rights lawyers and child welfare advocates, the girl and her mother, who originally sought the divorce, withdrew the case Monday in a court in Buraidah, in Al-Qasim province, newspapers said.
The girl told the court that her marriage to the man was done with her agreement, according to Okaz newspaper.
"I agree to the marriage. I have no objection. This is in filial respect to my father and obedience to his wish," she said, AFP reports.
Reports in the Saudi media say the girl told the court she didn't wish to disobey her father, who had arranged the marriage in return for a dowry of about $25,000.
The case has attracted considerable attention in Saudi Arabia, where the issue of child marriage is becoming increasingly controversial, Australia Network News reports.
The lawyer of the girl, Salah al-Dabibi, quoted by Al-Riyadh, said he was "disgusted" by this reversal, and did not exclude pressure on the mother and the child.
A princess who heads an association for defense of divorced women, Sarra Bent Messaed Ben Abdel Aziz, called on King Abdullah to intervene to prevent child marriage, according to the Ennahar.


New Corp and Cameron are discussing plans for a sequel to the sci-fi adventure Avatar, Hollywood reported on Wednesday, citing a company source.
New Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch said on Tuesday he was almost definite there would be a sequel, with a possible trilogy on the way. However, he warned fans not to "hold your breaths for an early one."
According to Hollywood, Murdoch said they had "very early talks about it," and Cameron "has ideas" already but he has not come to "any agreement with him or budget or timing." The company's vice-chairman, Chase Carey, confirmed that both New Corp. and Cameron intend to create a sequel.
Cameron's sci-fi blockbuster Avatar, about a disabled marine who penetrates a race of giant blue aliens, has surpassed his 1997 Titanic to become the highest box-office grossing film of all time.
It won best drama at the Golden Globes and is head-to-head with his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow's The Hurth Locker in the Oscar nominations list with nine nominations apiece.


It is generally believed that excessive weight is a bad thing. Everyone and their mother try to convince us that the excess has to go. Weight loss undoubtedly has its pluses, but it is not without minuses. It turns out weight loss may not be as healthy as it seems.
Without a question, fit people look more attractive, move faster and are less prone to cardiac diseases and diabetes.
Yet, when too much weight is lost, it brings about a great deal of issues.
1.Reduction of the fat layer. It causes us to freeze since fat serves as a natural protection from the cold. As a result, we are more prone to colds.
2.Unprotected internal organs. Fat creates a protective layer that shields our internal organs from traumas. When the fat is gone, we may risk injure our organs, say, in a fall.
3.Decrease of stamina. Calories provide us with energy, and excessive fat stores the energy for the future. If we starve, the body starts using necessary nutrients instead of fat. As a result, we feel fatigued and lethargic, which keeps us from living an active life.
4.Problems conceiving. Fat tissue accumulates estrogens and leptin, and interacts with testosterone contained in the blood. Without these hormones, chances to conceive and carry a baby are slim. Excessively skinny women or women obsessed with dieting often suffer from infertility.
5.Worsened skin condition. It is especially noticeable if the weight was lost rapidly. The skin does not catch up with the lost pounds and gets wrinkly or saggy.
6.Risk of osteoporosis. Fat tissue contains vitamins responsible for tonus. When the weight drops, concentration of these vitamins drops as well. As a result, bones become more fragile, which leads to fractures and other related issues.
7.Weakened immune system. This is especially true for those following mono-diets, e.g., tomato, apple, buckweed or citrus diets. The body lacks nutrients, which may cause anemia and other diseases linked to weakened immune system.
8.Risk of acetonemia, acetone poisoning. It is caused by lack of glucose. Fat tissue disintegrates into fatty acids which are then broken into ketone bodies. Disintegration products release acetone, which are toxic for the body. People losing weight might have a specific body odor.
9.Dehydration. This mostly happens to those using diuretics or laxatives. It may be very dangerous since the body loses nutrients which may in turn affect the heart and kidneys.
10.Intestinal problems. Many dieters try to lose weight using enemas. However, enemas are only capable of cleansing lower intestines, which does not promote weight loss. Forceful cleansing of intestines can provoke stretching of the colon walls. It may further cause muscle atrophy. The intestines will stop working independently, which may result in constipation. Cleansing also rids the body of good bacteria, which may lead to disbacteriosis.
Weight loss is a personal decision. If you decide that it is what you want to do, it is recommended to consult a doctor or at least use quality information.
It is never a good idea to abuse diets or cleansings. The secret is simple - eat small portions of various healthful foods and exercise.