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Tue, 02/02/2010 - 17:23
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ Inception workshop for labor market study was conducted at the end of January at the Open Society Forum conference hall in Ulaanbaatar. The goal was to introduce Labor market study (LMS) methodology, work plan and study instruments to stakeholders and build consensus among them on the expected outcomes of the study.
Labor market study is carried out by a research team composed jointly from MEC Consulting LLC and Cambridge Education Co.Ltd. The study will be implemented within MCA-Mongolia Technical and Vocational Education and Training project. During the workshop, the study methodology developed by the research team was introduced to representatives of LMS stakeholders as well as the Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor; the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Labor and Social Welfare Agency; Labor Exchange Office; Vocational Education and Training Methodology Center; Mongolian Employers’ Federation; Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry; WB; ADB; GTZ and leading specialists from major economic sectors.
Presentations were made on “Selection of study instruments” by Tomas Kinch, consultant at Cambridge Education Co.,Ltd., “Issues to be resolved within the study” by Batchimeg N., research team leader and “Development of study instruments and diagnostics using labor market intelligence” by Bayasgalan B. and Lkhanyam L., project consultants.
The research team will determine current and projected labor market demands in Mongolia involving representatives of all economic sectors, industrial and business entities in all 21 aimags and Ulaanbaatar city.