ID :
Mon, 01/18/2010 - 19:34
Auther :


Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ Ivan Lewis welcomed the announcement by President Elbegdorj of Mongolia of a moratorium on the use of the death penalty with immediate effect.
The moratorium also made provision for the removal of secrecy laws surrounding the use of the death penalty and the move to full abolition by 2011.
Ivan Lewis, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister, welcoming this announcement said:“I am delighted that President Elbegdorj has announced a moratorium on the use of the death penalty. This is a significant moment for human rights in Mongolia.
We oppose the death penalty in all circumstances. Its abolition contributes to the progressive development of human rights. Miscarriages of justice can happen, but cannot be reversed when the death penalty is used. In our past, innocent people were executed and this still occurs elsewhere in the world today.
Capital punishment furthers a casual attitude towards the right to life, increasing brutality in society and may, inadvertently, legitimise the taking of lives. A state that endorses the death penalty sends the message that killing is an acceptable way of solving social problems.
Working closely with our EU partners, we continue to call for an end to capital punishment and the use of the death penalty, for all crimes, forever. I urge the Mongolian government to build on today’s announcement by removing secrecy laws surrounding the use the death penalty.”