ID :
Thu, 01/14/2010 - 20:01
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Ulaanbaatar, /MONTSAME/ As of 2009, the total industrial output reached 1,704.7 bln.togrogs decreasing 3.3 percent or by 58.1 bln.togrogs (at 2005 constant prices), compared with the pervious year.
The fall in the industrial output was due to a decrease of 83.3 bln.togrogs or 14.2 percent in manufacturing sector output and of 48.9 bln.togrogs or 6.2 percent in mining of metal ores division output.
Compared with the previous year, the output of the mining and quarrying sector was decreased due to the 0.6-72.8 percent reduction in output of main mining products such as iron ore, zincum concentrate, fluor spar concentrate, gold and tangsten concentrate. At the same time, 14.2 percent decrease in output of manufacturing sector was mainly due to the 2.6-92.6 percent reduction in output of products such as bakery products, copper, soft drinks, sausage, combed down, breads, cement, cigarettes, lime, carpet, metal steel, spirit, metal foundries, concentrate mortar, solid concentrate, articles of iron concrete and molybdenum concentrate.
As of 2009, construction and installation work worth 279.4 bln.togrogs were carried out. Of which 250.6 bln.togrogs or 89.7 percent were executed by domestic entities, and 28.8 bln.togrogs or 10.6 percent by foreign entities.