Full Name: ANTARA News Agency
Head: CEO - Akhmad Munir
Address: Head Office: Jl. Antara Kav. 53-61, Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat, 10710, Indonesia
Phone number: +6221 3842591
Name of contact person: Managing Editor of ANTARA News Agency Gusti Aryani
Email of the contact person: aryani.wirdjodijojo@gmail.com
ANTARA main pages on social networks:
- ANTARA has been playing a role as a news agency of the people's struggle for helping reach Indonesia's national independence since 1937.
- It was declared a National News Agency in 1962 with 32 bureaus nationwide, two overseas office bureaus (Kuala Lumpur and Beijing), and a correspondent in Tokyo.
- As a national information emissary, ANTARA remains on the front line to strive for national development and maintain national dignity through the dissemination of news on Indonesia throughout the country.
- ANTARA has two main distribution channels, Branda for members and www.antaranews.com for the public.
- ANTARA publishes its news in two languages, Indonesian and English.