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Mon, 01/28/2019 - 21:57
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Agora archeological site in Palmyra…Most ancient free trade zone in the world

Damascus, SANA- Agora archeological site at the center of Palmyra archeological city, used to be in ancient times the icon of the city’s flourishment and its civilization. It is located between the defensive wall and the archeological customs wall. The site consists of a square in which convoys used to gather to make trade exchanges between merchants who came from the east and the west. The city used to take taxes from the merchants to allow them to display their goods at the square according to what was known as customs tariff which was found inscribed on a stone unearthed at Agora site. The inscriptions on the unearthed stone define all types of taxes collected in Palmyra city which used to be put at the treasury of the city. Secretary of Palmyra Museum Dr. Khalil al-Hariri told SANA reporter that the commercial goods which used to arrive in Agora Square in Palmyra were put in special stores near Agora site, and later they were distributed among commercial shops based on the need of each merchant to certain types of commodities. Shops used were built on the two sides of the main road in vicinity of the amphitheater such as shops of fragrances, spices, salt, incense, leather and others. The vitality of the city, according to al-Hariri, was embodied through the majesty of the public gatherings square in Agora which was decorated with statues of the nobles, merchants and leaders with captivating inscriptions on them. Dignitaries of the city used to gather at the square to discuss important affairs of the city when the noise of pedestrians, vendors and caravans in the near street becomes low. Al-Hariri affirmed that there were businessmen and leaders from the locals of Palmyra City and there was a saying “If you want your trade to reach safely, deliver it to Palmyra traders,” as they were very trustworthy. Agora has deserved the title which was given to it as the oldest free zone for world trade.