ID :
Tue, 08/03/2010 - 19:27
Auther :


ANKARA (A.A) - 03.08.2010 - Turkish exports to global giant China rose 104.8 percent in the first half of 2010 to reach 1.1 billion USD.
Exports to China was equal to 2 percent of total Turkish exports in this period, according to statistics of TUIK, Turkey's statistical authority.
Turkey's total exports in the first half was 54.8 billion USD, while total imports reached 83.3 billion USD.
Imports from China was also up 39.8 percent to 7.7 billion USD.
Germany, Italy and United Kingdom remained on top of the list of countries that imported Turkish goods, with imports of 5.2 billion USD, 3.3 billion USD and 3.2 billion USD, respectively.
Below is the list of top 20 countries as Turkey's largest trade partners:
.                              (Thousand U.S. dollar)
.                EXPORTS                                   IMPORTS
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
                (Jan-Jun)      Change             (Jan-Jun 2010)    Change
COUNTRIES     2009      2010    (pct)  COUNTRIES   2009      2010    (pct)
--------   --------- ----------- ------ --------   ----------------  ----- 
Germany    4,508,697  5,193,954   15.2  Russia   8,687,964 10,393,843  19.6
Italy      2,669,263  3,314,757   24.2  China    5,517,377  7,712,684  39.8
UK         2,386,316  3,201,990   34.2  Germany  6,184,270  7,567,096  22.4
France     2,762,223  3,109,788   12.6  USA      4,002,522  5,268,101  31.6
Iraq       2,534,328  2,663,906    5.1  Italy    3,285,605  4,711,353  43.4
Russia     1,446,991  1,998,474   38.1  Fransa   3,085,370  3,718,274  20.5
Spain      1,173,625  1,722,118   46.7  Iran     1,517,401  3,186,757 110.0
USA        1,467,355  1,712,310   16.7  UK       1,514,560  2,140,855  41.4
UAE        1,460,502  1,606,217   10.0  Spain    1,630,069  2,124,127  30.3
Swiss Con. 3,098,402  1,538,112  -50.4  Ukraine  1,577,766  2,039,044  29.2
Iran         938,023  1,308,173   39.5  S.Korea  1,469,186  1,892,306  28.8
Egypt      1,525,697  1,289,555  -15.5  Romania    965,086  1,617,122  67.6 
Romania      993,067  1,246,115   25.5  India      799,493  1,576,600  97.2
S.Arabia     807,338  1,182,397   46.5  Belgium  1,003,673  1,461,831  45.6
Netherlands  984,552  1,179,266   19.8  Japan    1,299,567  1,445,943  11.3
China        530,279  1,086,151  104.8  Netherl. 1,080,697  1,359,253  25.8
Libya        798,442  1,024,048   28.3  Poland     773,867  1,132,128  46.3
Israel       703,990    987,063   40.2  S.Arabia   813,132    969,960  19.3
Belgium      820,750    982,181   19.7  Sweden     990,290    921,357  -7.0
Syria        597,803    828,648   38.6  Israel     563,134    721,661  28.2
--------------------------------------  -----------------------------------
TOTAL   47,722,030   54,822,246   14.9  TOTAL   62,366,458 83,323,539  33.6