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Mon, 04/06/2020 - 12:53
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President delivers speech at opening of regular parliamentary session

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. President of Mongolia Khaltmaagiin Battulga gave a speech at the opening of regular session of the State Great Khural, convened at noon today. The Head of state addressed timely matters regarding the coronavirus spread and the precautions. Highlighting the pandemic’s toll on the world economy, President Battulga mentioned that, in Mongolia, 10 thousand people lost their jobs, resulting in the fall of income for roughly 40 thousand people. Therefore, the President said, it has become certain that Mongolia will go through this global crisis, as well, and called on the policymakers to “immediately formulate, plan and implement a package of precautions for overcoming the crisis with minimum amount of risks”. President Battulga once again warned the politicians of their reckless and unlawful acts with aims to achieve maximum coverage prior to the elections. The President proposed following precautionary measures for overcoming the crisis and minimizing its risks: 1st. Making clarifications on the state budget by distributing the funds to measures for protecting economic stability of the people, containing the coronavirus outbreak and ensuring smooth operation of the healthcare, through cutting all tolerable costs; 2nd. Postponing the regular parliamentary elections due this summer; 3rd. Founding an Anti-Crisis Fund to promote enterprises and businesses, who is bearing all hardships on their shoulders, at urgent notice, and formulating associated rules and regulations. 4th. Developing an action plan for ensuring sustainable living environment for all, especially for children, improving welfare, reducing unemployment, buffering its impact on people’s livelihoods, ensuring abundant supply of consumer goods; and 5th. Calling a National Security Council Meeting for the matter of immediately organizing a compact and skillful structure, comprising academics and specialists to prepare for and overcome the coming crisis, while eliminating ineffective expenditure of resources. To conclude his address, the President wished the people of Mongolia lives full of health and happiness. Office of President of Mongolia