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Mon, 04/06/2020 - 12:50
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Parliament spring session opens today

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. On April 6, the 2020 spring session of the Mongolian Parliament – State Great Khural opened with an attendance of 70 percent of total 76 members. This is the last session of the current parliament ahead of the upcoming legislative election on June 24, and its sittings and voting process will be conducted via a web conference in an effort to maintain social distancing due to COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the period of heightened state of alert, the MPs will be attending plenary and standing committee meetings either from five designated halls, adhering to a rule of not gathering greater than 20 MPs in one place, or via video conference. Journalists to cover the parliament plenary meetings will not have access to the meeting halls and a temporary press room is provided for them at the State House with meetings live-streamed and frequent press briefings on the results of the parliamentary activities and meetings. On the opening day of the spring session, the parliament members sat in different halls, including the main assembly hall and other conference rooms, keeping distance from each other. The opening meeting was physically attended by President of Mongolia Kh.Battulga and Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh with heads of government organizations, foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations participated virtually in the opening. In his remarks opening the parliamentary spring session, Speaker of the Parliament G.Zandanshatar thanked for the people of Mongolia for responsibly fulfilling their civic duties by complying with measures and rules adopted by the government to prevent from the COVID-19 pandemic spread in the country. After mentioning about the government’s steps to alleviate the economic impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic, such as tax breaks, additional benefit allowance to children, low-interest loans to cashmere companies, loan repayment deferrals, gradual fuel price drop, Speaker Zandanshatar assured that there is enough supply of food products and enhanced production and supply of face protective masks and sanitizing and disinfectant products during current uncertain times. “The spring session will discuss, in order of priority, a number of legislation that will ‘give life’ to the recent amendments to the Constitution of Mongolia, which will perfect the system of government that is responsible, stable, citizen-centered and fair and just.” In conclusion to his remarks, the Parliament Speaker called for the legislative body of the government of Mongolia to be guided by understanding, harmony and moral growth to show ideal collaboration throughout its spring session. President Battulga also gave a speech at the opening of regular session of the State Great Khural.