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Wed, 08/24/2016 - 18:00
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Vatican, Caucasus Muslims Board discuss how to develop religious relations

Baku, August 24, AZERTAC Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Board Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade has met a delegation led by head of the department in charge of organizing papal trips Mauricio Rueda Beltz to discuss prospects for religious and spiritual relations. The delegation of the Holy See was accompanied by Apostolic Nuncio of Vatican in the South Caucasus Archbishop Marek Solczynski. At the meeting, the sides praised ties between Azerbaijan and the Holy See. They stressed the important role of reciprocal visits of religious figures in expanding relations between the Caucasus Muslims Board and the Holy See. Allahshukur Pashazade recalled his visit to Vatican, and hailed the “active” participation of the Vatican officials in international events held in Azerbaijan,. Ordinary of the Apostolic Prefecture of the Roman Catholic Church in Azerbaijan Vladimir Fekete was also present at the meeting.