ID :
Thu, 04/10/2014 - 17:23
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New York businessmen ready to participate in Astana Economic Forum

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Consulate General of Kazakhstan to New York played a host to a presentation to tell the US business circles what the Astana Economic Forum is. The great interest of those attending in the forum is explained by both the intent to follow world economic development, as well as from the Astana perspectives, and aspiration to boost business relations between the two nations. The speech delivered by Curt Weldon, former US congressman, aroused particular interest. He urged the US businessmen to develop ties with Kazakhstan. The event held on Tuesday, was organized by the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists with the support of the Consulate General of Kazakhstan to New York and Mercurus Company. Vice president of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Dinara Karshalova briefed on the goals and tasks of the Astana Economic Forum.